My name is Marylène Chauveau, I am the founding artist of the workshop “En Bleu et Verre”. I’m located in the Eastern Townships of Quebec, Canada and i’m working with glass in my studio for 20 years,  I live where I work, tracing, cutting, sanding and assembling striking pieces of finely colored glass to make art mobiles, suncatchers and stained glass panels.

The name of my company ¨En Bleu et Verre¨ refers to blue and green (I played with the words green and glass which are pronounced the same way in French). Blue and green are omnipresent in nature and my glass creations are often inspired by them.

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I worked for several years with biologists who taught me to observe nature closely. I am still fascinated by the details of insects, plants and minerals. I like that it is reflected in my creations. Often, I add small metallic details to give a sculptural effect to suncatchers and art mobiles. 

My stained glass are entirely handmade with quality glass. They are made with the Tiffany stained glass technique from my own original design. My solders are always made with lead-free tin to respect the environment and your health. 

En bleu et Verre stained glass windows are exclusive and quality. Add them to your decor to brighten up your home or give them as gifts!